June Recap

June has been a very intense month for me and for the world. I’ve been trying to keep a bit of a lower profile online to make space for all of the conversations that need to be happening. However, that doesn’t mean things haven’t been going on behind the scenes so I thought it would be good to do a recap on everything that’s been going on with me and RADIO.

Let’s start off by laying out where things are with SPFBO. (The Self Published Fantasy Blog Off)

As we stepped into June, I found out that RADIO was placed with The Fantasy Inn for judging. I couldn’t have asked for a better blog to tear into my work. I’m unsure when RADIO will be reviewed and my nerves can only hope it comes sooner than later. Either way, results should be in by November-ish. RADIO did catch their eye and The Fantasy Inn reviewers chose it as one of their three favorite book covers out of their group of thirty.That meant RADIO was entered into the official SPFBO Cover Competition. Once there, it continued to see success. It received a judges vote making it one of the Judges Cover Champions. I didn’t win, but I’m very proud that my wife’s excellent design work was recognized.

RADIO was also featured in Fantasy Book Critic’s Spotlight: Intriguing Titles in SPFBO Part I. This is the first of a series of posts devoted to highlighting books that stood out to them in the vast sea of SPFBO competitors. I’m super proud to be in that mix and you should check out all the other competitors there. I think this year’s competition is going to be tough.

In a fun turn of events, I was @’d on Twitter by @Mannywrites1 while she discussed that RADIO would be the first review she’d do if she decided to start a blog.I told her I thought it was a great idea and that I’d even do an interview with her if she wanted so she dove in, started a blog, expanded on the great review she had already left me on Goodreads and we did the interview. It all worked out great, I’m honored she liked RADIO so much, and I wish her all the best. Check out her blog at Queen Flea for both the review and the interview.

It’s been a few months of ups and downs but I finally have all of my distribution channels up and running for both ebook and paperback. RADIO is available in .mobi, .epub, and paperback from the following retailers.

Finally, I’m a firm believer in having more than one creative outlet. As many of you know, I’m a musician and an amateur luthier. In June, I completed my latest build. It’s a rock and metal bass guitar that I call the “Fracture” because it’s just monstrous. I’m really proud of this one. Especially for getting it done on my patio during lockdown using only hand tools and hand-held powertools. Enjoy.

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1 Comment

  1. You have been so kind to me this month, thank you! My fingers are crossed for the SPFBO competition, I’m sure RADIO will do well! The “Fracture” looks incredibly beautiful, as well, I never knew you could just build a guitar on your porch at home. I hope you’re well and you continue to he creative in these weird times.


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